MCX Pack

MCX pack is a product created for commodity traders who prefer to trade in precious metals Gold silver energy sector crude oil and natural gas as well as base metal lead zink alumium nikal.

What you Get?

Bullions and Energy
Around 5-6 Calls will be given daily for Bullions and Energy.
Calls given on Precious Metals traded in MCX like Gold and Silver, and Energy Commodities like Crude Oil, Natural Gas.
Base Metals Pack
Around 2-3 Calls will be given daily for Base Metals.
Calls given on Base Metals Commodities traded in MCX – Copper, Zinc, Lead, Nickel and Aluminium.

Medium of Calls

Calls Will Be Given Only On SMS & whatsapp

Sample Calls

Sell gold below 28500 with sl OF 28600, TGTS 28400, 28300
Buy Silver mcx dec above 37000 with sl of 36800, TGTS37300,37600,37780.

Follow Up Calls

Gold full target achieved booked 10000
Silver full target achieved booked 9000

Bullion and Enegy Pack

Bullion pack we provide calls in Gold Silver crude oil and natural gas with good accuracy Daily 2-3 calls. Around 5-6 Calls will be given daily for Bullions and Energy. Calls given on Precious Metals traded in MCX like Gold and Silver, and Energy Commodities like Crude Oil, Natural Gas.

Medium of Calls

Calls Will Be Given Only On SMS & whatsapp.

Sample Calls

Sell gold below 28500 with sl OF 28600, TGTS 28400, 28300
Buy Silver mcx dec above 37000 with sl of 36800, TGTS 37300,37600,37780.

Follow Up Calls

Gold full target achieved booked 10000
Silver full target achieved booked 9000

Base Metal

Base metal product we provide call in base metal like lead zink aluminium Nikil and Copper Around 2-3 Calls will be given daily for Base Metals. Calls given on Base Metals Commodities traded in MCX – Copper, Zinc, Lead, Nickel and Aluminium.

Medium of Calls

Calls Will Be Given Only On SMS & whatsapp

Sample Calls

Sample of core call :
BUY CRUDE ABOVE 4000, TGT1- 4020. TGT2- 4040, SL 3980
SELL ZINC BELOW 140, TGT1- 139.50, TGT2- 139, SL 140.50M

Sample of follow-up call :-
Book full profit at our CRUDE Buy Call, Final TGT Achieved.
Book full profit at our ZINC Sell Call, Final TGT Achieved

Bullion Metals Combo

Bullion Metals Combo pack we provide call s in gold silver zink lead Nikhil copper aluminium.

Medium of Calls

Calls Will Be Given Only On SMS & whatsapp
In pack will get daily 4-5 calls with medium risk call.

Sample Calls

BUY CRUDE ABOVE 4000, TGT1- 4020. TGT2- 4040, SL 3980
Sell gold below 28500 with sl OF 28600, TGTS 28400, 2830

Sample of follow-up call

Book full profit at our CRUDE Buy Call, Final TGT Achieved.
Gold full target achieved booked 10000

Agri Pack

Agri pack is a product created especially for commodity traders who trade in agri commodities.

Medium of Calls

Calls Will Be Given Only On SMS & whatsapp
Agri pack will get daily 3-4 calls with medium risk call.

Sample Calls


Sample of follow-up call

Booked full profit in CHANA.